Kehlor Building
Downtown Clermont
Downtown Clermont
The historic Kehlor Building, a downtown Clermont landmark with a century-long legacy, served as a recreation center for numerous senior clubs and group activities throughout much of its existence. Recognizing the need for improved services and facilities due to the building's age, the City proactively addressed this need. Powell Studio Architecture, under a continuing service contract, seized the opportunity to design the new facility.
The modernized Kehlor Recreation Center, now a 2,200 SF multi-function community hub situated in the heart of downtown Clermont, stands ready to meet the evolving needs of the community for years to come. The facility boasts a spacious multi-function meeting room, public restrooms, staff offices, and a serving area.
The new Kehlor Recreation Center stands as a testament to thoughtful design and efficient execution, providing an upgraded space for community engagement and activities.
Tasked with a fixed budget, Powell Studio Architecture worked closely with the City and stakeholders to ensure the project not only met but exceeded expectations while remaining fiscally responsible.
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